I've had this unusual fever for about a week, its been hard dealing with it. Taking my medication, eating, waking up early to school, smiling all through the day and acting like everything was under control...HARD!!!

 On Friday, I couldn't take it anymore, thank God i had no lectures (even if i had, believe me i won't even move an inch) I slept all day and had enough time to reflect on my life. Recently I've been dealing with a lot of negativity around me, yeah fake friends. People that take from you and never give back... LEECHES. I made a decision never to please anyone, and also do what is right as much as i can.

  Today, with my hair swept back in a low pony, i pushed myself. Tired as i was, i said my prayers on my bed and took a two and half hour Jog/Walk with slimz (my bf ) and It turned out to be fun! (he skated while i tried to catch up with him, call it team work) when I realised we were getting so close to the boarder that leads to south Cyprus, so we headed back home.  I came back, refreshed, better, stronger and lighter, especially when everyone along   Larnaca road had their eyes on me. 

our wardrobe: shoes: MINE(beilaida) HIS (Rollerblade) socks: BOTH (nike) shorts: MINE (topshop) His (adidas) sweat shirt: MINE (topshop) His (turkish brand).

PS: all pictures by slimz, (he did good for an amateur yea?) lol, anyway have a great weekend, love love and don't stop loving.