Hello citizens of Vanity County. I hope y'all doing fine. It's a another Friday and i thought it would be a splendid to share with you this fabulous idea, it might help you tonight (you never know). I recently discovered men find the female fingers interesting and get turned off when they meet a lady with dirty/bad nails. wow girls, we need to step it up, a bro don't need to walk up to us and comment about our nails before we do something about em. It is our duty as human beings to care for ourselves, we are higher animals with interesting things springing around us and the word primitive does not in anyway refer to us.
  Caring for the cuticle, is one of the easiest thing to do and cheapest, for anyone on a budget all you need are;
  1. Moisturizing soap or mild facial cleanser
  2. warm water
  3. Moisturizing cream
  4. olive oil or lemon juice (squeezed by you)
  5. Towel
  6. Your desired nail brush and polish
  7. Emery board
  8. cotton pad and nail polish remover.

  • Wipe off, oil nail polish by dipping your cotton pad in your nail polish remover and hold on nails for a few seconds to dissolve polish, then wipe away in an outward sweeping motion to keep cuticles clean.
  • Wash your hands with warm water and Moisturizing soap or with the facial cleanser.
  • Pat your nails and hands dry with the towel.
  • File nail with emery board to your desired length, avoid metal nail file because it might rip your nail off, as you file be gentle on your nail and file from outer corner of the nail toward the tip.
  • Add 2 tablespoon of lemon or olive oil or both in a bowl of warm water and soak your hand in it for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe your hands clean and give your nail a final gentle file
  • Use nail polish remover to wipe off oil and excess nail residue from your cuticle.
  • Choose the nail polish of your choice (Bright neon colours will do for tonight cos its Friday duh!) and paint pain paint. 
  •  Wait don't just paint! apply at the center of the nail with one stroke. Two more strokes on the side should do the trick. Only have enough polish on the brush for one line at a time.
  • Depending on your type of nail polish, let the first coat settle and dry a bit before you apply second coat.

to flaunt your beautiful nails when you hangout, go on dates, take pictures on fb or instagram study these pictures...



**big thank you to my sweetest  dearest Lanre, sorry i had to use your picture here, please don't sue me sir, and em ladies he is sooo single!