5am and the day is bright! One of the things I taught myself to do is appreciate sundays and mondays. Sunday is the start of the week and Monday is the start of business. Like it or not that's how it's going to be. So from now no more whimpering and groaning on both days, i plan how the rest of the week will be and so help me God i work towards achieving my goals at least 80% of them if not all.
 I had a handful of things to do so my laptop went to school with me, i prayed all day (yesterday) that it worked properly cos if it didn't i promised myself i was going to take a taxi to the beach and drown it. Well it worked better than expected and yaay it's alive! 
 My stylist today is the "bf of life" John, and (even though i pulled up my nose all the time he was ironing my top) I love it.

My laptop and I. I like any of my gadgets (phones, laptops, soundsystem etc) black. It's slick and It easy for me to jazz it up with girlie stickers.
I'm wearing a dark brown (chocolate) chiffon camisole. It's also see through but i didn't want to be too revealing so i wore a neon pink bra. I was sceptical about it at first but it worked, the neon only showed at the strap!
Chat-chat with my darling "ain serq" Cynthia is very essential. We were together on saturday night, chatted on facebook afterward but you know girls must be girls :)
I must say guys are best at choosing, This is the complete look. All the colours i would naturally dismiss and classify as "too warm for summer" especially the short; it's tweed and i would never have worn it but i'm happy i did.
Close-up on the tweed, it's also dark brown with little pleat and it settles just on the waist. The gold bangles on my wrist are gifts from mom, she got them as a gift too in 1995 can you believe that?! i remember wearing them and watch them slip off my tiny wrists, years later...THEY ARE MINE.
I paired the gold bangles with gold loop earrings which is also a beautiful gift from mom :)
CAMISOLE:  notations
TWEED SHORT: ayhan clothing (Turkey)
BANGLES: *gift*
EARRING: *gift*
BAG : *made in turkey* :)
FLATS: *cypriot local designer*

Today's been a blessing. May every monday be joyful as this for everyone. My earrings, bangles and camisole are gifts from my dear mother. It's an advantage to be the only female child (you get all). I performed a trick with my needle, weaves and thread on saturday afternoon and i'm glad everyone loves ma hair, some of my friends say i look like rihanna! (time to dance alingo) the highlight of the day was when my dear cynthia, stood beside me while everyone talked about my hair. She watched silently and completed their sentences with a verdict "THE GIRL IS A PRO" 
please visit other pages on this blog,  like my facebook page,  follow me on instagram and twitter.


   I was nervous as hell, so i decided to make a "KEEP CALM" collage. For the first time in my life, i'm experiencing a crazy fit caused by exam fever. "I'm not ready for this shit" I told my bf on monday, he gave me the "no-one-is -ever-ready-for-this-shit" look in return. I must confess exams are like unwanted pregnancies, i'm too busy, I don't need it but it comes, tortures me, gives me sleepless nights and makes me smile at the end of the day (yes, that's happens when you keep your babies ladies) I wonder what I do with my time? Internet? Party? sleep? I need a new life yo!  The recent change in time also has a nasty effect on me, emm ... I sleep now and five minutes later it's sun-up :( what?! when did i go to bed?!?!?!
     Anyway I wrote my first paper today PRAD 304 (PR and Society) and yea it was smooth-as-ice, God was on my side and i found a new way of studying (sorry go find your own method, i'm not sharing). I turned my closet inside-out and had a mini dress rehearsal before I made a final decision on what to wear, that's not new it happens all the time, I always come back home tired only to meet more chores waiting for me (story of my life).
      I paired a faded neon tank top (stolen from mom of course haha) with an orange-almost brown, high waisted-(sailor button)-lycra denim and a bohemian fringed t-shirt scarf i got as a gift from a shop. It was cold when I left home this morning so i wore a brown leather jacket and yea yea Brandy came along, remember that black shoe with the gold detail?  She loves to hangout, darn i'm almost sick of her. Oh it rained ice today, the sight was awesome. I couldn't take a picture cos i was scared of getting stoned from above :)

PS; I'd love to wish every student here at E.M.U goodluck. "study hard guys, the future is ours".

shoutout to my neighbours pink front porch :)
pyramid earring, bohemia scarf, River Island neon tank top, Zara man leather jacket, high-waisted (sailor button) lycra denim.
the neighbours front porch continues #thanks
i'm trying to learn how to stare straight at the camera without squinting
meet brandy yet again
infamous brandy
jump-shot #fail LMAO
Looking sweet, classy and business-ey in my tweed, white and brown mix.
Merry cannot describe my heart. I started multitasking recently and to my surprise it has kept me healthy both physically and mentally. Ever since i stepped foot on this island my heart has been engaged in a fierce"what to do" battle. When the idea to start a blog came i asked myself ; "what the f*** am i gonna blog about?" "who the f*** knows me?" "where the f*** should i go to...?" and "when the f*** will i start."
   Battle, constant headache, crazier than the Trojan War, and guess what it didn't stop until i told myself "i just must do this" and here i am today, slowly but surely.

    Here i decided to pair the white denim    I have been so scared of wearing with my favorite (only) tweed coat and rolled the 3/4 sleeve up loosely to my elbow. I also have a white bag to match my white pant, i got the bag last summer for mom's birthday but i cajoled her into letting me have it and now it's mine.
    Feeling neither cold nor warm and not sure what the day would bring I wore a brown almost sheer tank top and a matching snub nose ankle boot. The idea is to look as semi-formal as possible, that's what you get for having a mobile office haha. To crown it I used "Large water drop" vintage inspired accessories, you can get them and others by visiting my "SHOP HERE" page.
TWEED COAT : adL store
SHEER TANK: topshop
DENIM: Turkish Brand
SNUB NOSE BOOT: saks fifth avenue
WAISTBELT : borrowed (courtesy of "the housemate")
BAG: Dior (from mom)